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We live in a day and age where the concept of rest is misunderstood. While we all want rest, we don’t have any idea how to truly find it on our own. This book offers a solid Biblical basis for understanding the true rest offered to us through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Scripture references throughout the book make it a valuable resource for the reader who is seeking truth that is a foundation for life. The author shares from her own personal journey of learning to rest and provides encouragement for the rest-seeker. We all have a longing for peace and rest in our lives, this book points to the ONLY TRUE SOURCE of rest, a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe!
I highly recommend this book to the tired, the restless, the seeker. I recommend it to the burned out, lonely, worn and weary one longing for answers. It’s easy and quick to read, and it will leave a lasting impact on your life!
I have known Elizabeth Zacharias and her husband, Dan, for over 20 years. I recently had the opportunity to read her new book, Created to Rest. It was an easy read, which made it easy for me to engage. It was the perfect blend of facts, scripture references, and relatable stories. I walked away wishing I could have known Aunt Jenny, and challenged to revisit the invitation to enter the Rest of the Lord. In one word Refreshing! - Missionary with Global Impact Relief
John Gross
In a world full of conflict and hate, with the enemy's activities increasing daily, Created to Rest brings a refreshing encouragement to the weary Believer. Like Lot, the debauchery around us is a burden that clouds our minds at times. We forget that there is a place reserved for us, where the peace of God will forever surround us and our struggles will cease. The author of this book brings us into the rest of our Lord, giving us a brief escape from the cares of this world. This is a book well worth the time it takes to read it.
Alma JonesRetired missionary and Bible teacher
Alma Jones