by Elizabeth Zacharias | Jun 26, 2021 | heritage, Roots
I recently went to visit some friends and family in Maine. My mom and sister live quite close to the ocean near Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park. Part of the Park sits on the mainland on a peninsula called Schoodic Point. When I visit I like to drive out...
by Elizabeth Zacharias | Feb 19, 2021 | Christian life, Spiritual growth, Worship
Storms happen in all our lives. Sometimes they are physical storms like hurricanes or blizzards. We in Missouri have been experiencing the aftermath of a snowstorm and arctic blast. Temperatures dropped down to a bone-chilling -14 degrees at night. In preparation for...
by Elizabeth Zacharias | Dec 22, 2020 | Christian life, Christmas, Courageous
This year has been a difficult year for many people. What with the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns and all the extenuating circumstances related to it, many people feel anxious about the future. We cannot assemble or spend time with our friends in groups. Forced to spend...
by Elizabeth Zacharias | Aug 5, 2020 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Spiritual growth
What does it mean to “dwell” in the shadow of the Almighty? I think of the times when I have gone for a walk with my husband on a sunny day. My husband’s shadow extends itself from him on the ground. To dwell under his...
by Elizabeth Zacharias | Feb 10, 2020 | Christian life, Spiritual growth
Have you ever felt that you were in a funk? That for some reason, you felt down about yourself for no reason. When in fact, you should feel the opposite. I have found myself in just that place for the past week or two. To be truthful, I should be feeling good about...